Constitution of NET





Article 1 The Foundation represents a legal entity established in accordance with the provisions of The Nonprofit Legal Entities Act.

1)     The Foundation is of non-governmental, international, nonpolitical and irreligious character.

2)     The Foundation’s term of existence is not limited by time or other termination conditions.

3)     The Foundation is established as a private profit entity, according to article 2 of The Nonprofit Legal Entities Act.



Article 2 The name of the Foundation isN Е Т“, which could be written in Latin as NETWORK EDUCATION  TEAM  BUILDING   


1)     The Foundation’s head office and registered address are at: Gorna Oryahovitza, 45 ‘Tzar Samuil’ street.

2)     The Foundation’s name together with the abbreviation, the registration venue and address must be outlined in all the documents and publications of the Foundation.



Article 3 The Foundation pursues universal aims on equal in rights and democratic grounds, such as:   

  1. Establishing and strengthening of an NGO network, working in the social sphere.
  2. Co-operation with institutions to develop methodology for working with children and adults with disabilities;
  3. Supports persons with disabilities by protecting their rights and interests and assisting in solving their problems;
  4. Studies the needs for humanitarian, charity, research, educational, social, cultural and public activities of persons with disabilities living in towns and in the regions;
  5. Provides assistance to overcome the isolation of persons with disabilities by establishing structures directly engaged with solving their problems;
  6. Creates conditions to ensure the equal opportunities of persons with disabilities in society and at the labour market;
  7. Raising the sensibility and the awareness of the society, the institutions, the professionals and the public people on the problems of people from vulnerable groups;
  8. Provides the necessary information to people in need to solve their civil, educational, labour and social problems;
  9. Provides support to preserve and develop the potential of people with disabilities and encourages their self-expression;
  10. Encourages the participation of people with disabilities in all spheres of social life;
  11. Renders support for the development and dissemination of the achievements of certain people with disabilities;  
  12. Supports projects, connected with education, training, re-qualification and finding work at the labour market for people with disabilities;
  13. Encourages the development and motivation of people with disabilities for life long learning and creates favourable conditions for the implementation of the process;
  14. Supports the optimizing of the legal environment in which the organization works;
  15. Supports the capacity building of the organizations working in the social sphere and the implementation of useful European and world practices;
  16. Improves the co-ordination and partnership between the structures in the social sphere;
  17. Co-operates for the establishing of real socio-economic preconditions for making easier the access to the labour market for people with disabilities and supports the establishing of stable work opportunities;
  18. Assists in increasing the social, educational, labour, community and civil status of people from vulnerable groups, by supporting their realization, adaptation and social expression;
  19. Co-operates for achieving financial stability, increasing the opportunities for self-financing of the statute activities.

/2/ The activities, carried out by the Foundation find expression in developing long-term and short-term programmes in different directions and implementing of concrete events and forms of expression; supporting innovative practices for a steady development in the social sphere, the sphere of education and life long learning for people with disabilities, in accordance with their interests, physical and intellectuals abilities; encouraging the culture and arts, employment, exchange of knowledge; rendering support for the social integration of people from vulnerable groups; assisting the personal realization of people with disabilities; assisting for the improving of the country legislation concerning the social and civil status of people with disabilities; assisting the quickening and enlarging of international co-operation in the sphere of problems of people with disabilities.

/3/ For the implementation of its aims the Foundation:

–      co-operates with organizations, institutions and individuals in the country and abroad;

–      organizes and participates in symposia, seminars, conferences, trainings and other national and international events on general and concrete themes in the field of Foundations’ aims;

–      publishes materials, connected to the activities;

–      establishes and maintains a library with literature, containing statistical and other information on all the questions in the sphere of Foundations’ aims;

–      implements, assigns and supports projects and researches;

–      establishes funds to support the living cost in the country and abroad of people who would contribute for the achieving of the aims of the Foundation;

–      carries out humanitarian activities;

–      assists for the optimizing of the management;

–      organizes the distribution of the products of the activities of the Foundation;

–      assures the protection of the product of authors’ and connected rights of people, supported by the Foundation, their intellectual property;

–      carries out other activities too, connected to the aims described in article 3, paragraph 1.