

The partners of the AJuPID project -“Access to justice for persons with intellectual disabilities”  are organizing a final conference in Sofia.

It will take place on the 10th & 11th Marth 2016.

The results of this European project will be presented.

The research report about legislation and legal capacity in five countries will be discussed.

We will also discuss about several promising practices.

These practices aim at innovating support for persons with disabilities

and promoting their own decision-making.

Reknown international speakers have been invited to confront their ideas.

For example, there will be Prof. Quinn form the University of Galway.

There will also be Dimitris Nikolsky of the Council of Europe.

This conference is open to persons with disabilities, supporters and service providers as well as all other actors in the disability field.

The Conference will be held in Bulgarian and English and participation is free of cost.

You can download the programme here.

You can register for the conference here.



On Dec. the 8th and 9th in the town of Pazardjik will be the next conference of Foundation “NET”.

Our guests will be our consultant Ms. Hardeman from EASPD and Mr. Finis from EURABLE.

Welcome are all members, friends, people, interested in the social sphere.

For more info please contact us.